Transformative Investment: EBRD Funds Water Access Revolution in Morocco's Southern Region

Transformative Investment: EBRD Funds Water Access Revolution in Morocco's Southern Region
Thursday 07 December 2023 - 08:07 Journalists: Dakir Madiha

Morocco Achieves a Water Milestone with EBRD's Support

The Guelmim-Oued Noun region in Morocco is poised for a significant transformation as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) injects MAD 130 million (€12 million) into crucial upgrades for its drinking water supply and wastewater systems. The substantial investment aims to enhance access to clean drinking water, minimize water loss, and champion the circular reuse of wastewater.

Welcoming Guelmim-Oued Noun into the EBRD's Green Cities program, Managing Director Nandita Parshad emphasized that this move is a "crucial step in advancing the region’s commitment to a sustainable and climate-resilient future."

Mbarka Bouaida, President of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, expressed "extreme satisfaction" with the EBRD partnership, highlighting that it marks the region as the first in Morocco to benefit from a loan in local currency from an international financial institution.

The EBRD's funding will focus on rehabilitating drinking water systems in the rural areas of the Guelmim province, projecting a substantial increase in household access for thousands of rural residents. Simultaneously, upgrades to wastewater treatment plants and recycling infrastructure in four cities will facilitate the annual reuse of 10 million m3 of treated wastewater for green spaces.

This transformative loan is further fortified by a $1 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the backing of the European Union to ensure the sustainability of the investments. The EU is also actively involved, providing technical assistance to develop localized operational and water reuse solutions.

Since its partnership with the EBRD in 2012, Morocco has seen substantial progress in green and climate-resilient initiatives, with the bank investing €4.3 billion in 96 projects across the country. The Guelmim-Oued Noun loan is a monumental stride towards achieving equitable access to clean water in Morocco's southern region, solidifying the nation's commitment to sustainable development.

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