Moroccans in Italy Lead Non-EU Communities in Private Business Ventures

Moroccans in Italy Lead Non-EU Communities in Private Business Ventures
Friday 01 December 2023 - 17:00 Journalists: Dakir Madiha

Moroccan expatriates in Italy are the first non-EU community to establish private investment firms in this European nation, according to data released by the "Infocamere" Observatory on Thursday.

On behalf of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, the organization tasked with compiling statistics pertaining to the sectors of industry and commerce noted that Moroccan (12.1%), Chinese, and Romanian nationals founded companies in Italy. Albania and Bangladesh subsequently followed suit.

Additionally, the Observatory notes that Moroccans obtain the most residence permits among non-EU citizens, followed by Ukrainians and Albanians. Infocamere emphasized, "With nearly 400,000 inhabitants, Morocco ranks first in terms of the number of residence permits."

In 2022, the number of non-EU citizens in Italy in possession of a valid residence permit increased, according to official data. Therefore, as of January 1, 2023, their total count stood at 3,727,706, reflecting a growth of 4.7% in comparison to the previous year.

The Observatory of Foreigners of the National Institute of Social Security in Italy (INPS) recently published a report which ranked Moroccans third among active foreign laborers, totaling 323,158.

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