Empowering Voices: Morocco Launches 21st National Campaign Against Violence Towards Women

Empowering Voices: Morocco Launches 21st National Campaign Against Violence Towards Women
Tuesday 28 November 2023 - 13:30

Rabat, Morocco - The 21st national campaign to combat violence against women and girls was inaugurated on Monday in Rabat by the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family. Carrying the slogan "Violence is condemned, let's mobilize to report it everywhere," the campaign aligns with the Royal High Instructions to empower women and reinforce their rights and standing in society. Running until December 10, the initiative aims to create a safe environment to protect women and girls from violence.

In collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, this campaign coincides with the organization of the UN's 16 Days of Activism campaign "Tous UNiS" (November 25 - December 10) to prevent violence against women and girls.

The objectives of this national campaign include promoting a culture of rejecting violence and raising awareness across all segments of society about the importance of ensuring the protection of women against all forms of violence in all places.

Addressing the gathering, Aawatif Hayar, the Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family, emphasized the significance of the chosen slogan for the campaign. She underscored the need to raise awareness about the imperative to report acts of violence against women and combat impunity. The ministry is determined to make this campaign a crucial step for societal mobilization, preserving achievements, creating a healthy environment rejecting all forms of violence and discrimination, and encouraging everyone to engage in national efforts to combat this phenomenon, she stated.

Hayar mentioned that the number of centers providing care for women victims of violence has reached 105 across the Kingdom. She highlighted the signing of partnership agreements with 57 listening and guidance centers for women victims of violence in 2023.

Aligned with the ministry's ongoing efforts to implement the 3rd governmental plan for equality, ensuring convergence between initiatives by government departments, public institutions, the private sector, and elected officials to solidify equality values, according to Hayar.

Abdellah Yaakoub, the Assistant Representative and Coordinator of the UNFPA program, praised Morocco's progress in promoting human rights in general and consolidating women's rights in particular. He called for a comprehensive approach to promote human rights culture, women's protection, and awareness of shared responsibility in promoting equality and combating violence. UNFPA is ready to support Morocco's efforts for gender equality and women's empowerment, he added.

Jesper Kammersgaard, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Morocco, highlighted the strong partnership between his country, Morocco, and UNFPA in combating violence against women. He emphasized the importance of working together to consolidate women's rights and their position in society.

The campaign launch, attended by representatives from government departments, public institutions, civil society actors, and international organizations, concluded with the signing of partnership agreements between the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family, the National Mutual Aid, and the listening and guidance centers for women victims of violence for the year 2023.

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