Qatar and Jordan Bolster Morocco's Autonomy Plan for Sahara at UN

Qatar and Jordan Bolster Morocco's Autonomy Plan for Sahara at UN
Tuesday 15 - 16:30

In a significant development at the United Nations, Qatar and Jordan have reaffirmed their support for Morocco's autonomy initiative regarding the Sahara region. The statements, made during the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly, underscore the growing international backing for Morocco's position on this long-standing territorial dispute.

Qatar's UN representative, Jassim Al-Thani, praised Morocco's autonomy plan as a "constructive initiative" and an "objective" basis for resolving the Sahara dispute. Al-Thani emphasized the importance of finding a sustainable political solution through compromise, in line with UN Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution 2703.

Jordan's delegate, Ahmad Samir Habashenh, echoed Qatar's sentiments, stressing respect for Morocco's legitimate rights and sovereignty over its southern provinces. Both nations expressed their support for the UN-led political process and the efforts of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his envoy, Staffan de Mistura.

These endorsements come at a crucial time for Morocco, following a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice that challenged Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara. The court called for the annulment of EU-Morocco fisheries and agriculture agreements, claiming they violate the "right to self-determination of the people of Sahara."

Morocco has strongly rejected the court's ruling, describing it as riddled with errors and bias. The kingdom has reiterated its stance that it will not sign any trade or diplomatic agreements that do not respect its territorial integrity.

King Mohammed VI of Morocco, addressing the situation indirectly in a recent speech to parliament, highlighted the growing international support for Morocco's position. He noted the increasing number of countries backing Morocco's autonomy plan and those fully recognizing its sovereignty over the disputed region.

The statements from Qatar and Jordan at the UN forum represent a continuation of this trend, potentially paving the way for more countries to align with Morocco's stance on the Sahara issue. As the situation evolves, the international community watches closely, recognizing the potential impact on regional stability and cooperation in North Africa.

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