Morocco Emerges as Key Source of Jewish Migration to Israel, New Study Reveals

Morocco Emerges as Key Source of Jewish Migration to Israel, New Study Reveals
Tuesday 27 August 2024 - 11:30

A recent study by the Pew Research Center has shed light on the significant role Morocco plays in global Jewish migration patterns, particularly to Israel. The research, which analyzed United Nations data up to 2020, reveals that Morocco is the fourth largest origin country for Jewish migrants worldwide, with 200,000 Moroccan-born Jews now living outside their country of birth.

The study, titled "The Religious Composition of the World's Migrants," highlights that the vast majority of these Moroccan-born Jews - approximately 160,000 - have made Israel their new home. This makes Morocco the second most common source of Jewish migrants to Israel, surpassed only by Ukraine with 170,000 migrants.

Israel, which grants immediate citizenship rights to Jews under its Law of Return, has become the primary destination for Jewish migrants globally. The country now hosts over half of the world's 3 million Jewish migrants, with about 1.5 million foreign-born Jews residing within its borders as of 2020.

The mass migration of Moroccan Jews to Israel began in the decades preceding and following Israel's establishment in 1948. This exodus has dramatically reshaped Morocco's once-thriving Jewish community, which now numbers only a few thousand individuals.

Interestingly, the study reveals that Jews, despite making up just 0.2% of the global population, account for a disproportionate 1% of all international migrants. Furthermore, Jews are more likely than other religious groups to live outside their country of birth, with 20% of the global Jewish population having migrated across borders, compared to 6% of Christians and 4% of Muslims.

While Israel remains the top destination for Jewish migrants, it is also a significant source country. Approximately 270,000 Israeli-born Jews now reside elsewhere, making Israel the largest origin country for Jewish emigrants. Russia and Ukraine follow closely, each accounting for 240,000 Jewish migrants worldwide.

The study also notes that Jewish migrants tend to follow established routes, moving from countries with declining Jewish populations to nations like Israel, the United States, and the United Kingdom, where Jewish communities are flourishing. On average, Jewish migrants travel about 2,300 miles from their origin to destination countries.

This research provides valuable insights into the changing demographics of global Jewish communities and the central role Israel plays in these migration patterns. For Morocco, it underscores the historical and ongoing connection between its Jewish heritage and the modern state of Israel, reflecting broader trends in global Jewish migration and identity in the 21st century.

As these migration patterns continue to evolve, they will likely have lasting impacts on cultural, economic, and diplomatic relations between Morocco, Israel, and other countries with significant Jewish populations. The findings of this study offer a foundation for further research and discussion on the future of Jewish communities worldwide and the factors driving their migration choices.

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