Clash of Principles: Benkirane Champions Quranic Authority in Moudawana Debate, Counters Ouahbi's Stance

Clash of Principles: Benkirane Champions Quranic Authority in Moudawana Debate, Counters Ouahbi's Stance
Saturday 30 March 2024 - 13:16

In a dramatic exchange of opinions regarding the reform of the Moroccan Family Code, Moudawana, Abdelilah Benkirane, Secretary-General of the Justice and Development Party, has launched a fervent critique against Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi, accusing him of jeopardizing the confidentiality of the revision process.

In a live broadcast on Facebook Thursday night, Benkirane unleashed a barrage of criticism, condemning Ouahbi's stance on Moudawana reform, particularly concerning consensual relationships, as rash, illogical, and incompatible with Moroccan societal values.

Benkirane's censure followed Ouahbi's recent call for parliamentarians advocating modernist reforms to expedite their efforts in amending the Family Code "before regressive forces gain traction."

Expressing dismay at the direction of the discourse, Benkirane underscored the gravity of the situation, reminding the public of Ouahbi's dual role as a minister in the King's government and a member of the confidential Family Law review committee.

During his impassioned address, Benkirane accused Ouahbi of breaching confidentiality protocols and sidestepping the requisite submission of the draft law to King Mohammed VI, alleging an overreach of authority that undermined the integrity of the process.

While commending the committee's diligence and commitment to amending the Family Code, Benkirane contended that deviating from the framework established by Morocco as an Islamic state challenges the Quran's supreme authority in the nation's legal framework.

Emphasizing the pivotal role of Islam and the Quran, Benkirane warned that any attempt to undermine these pillars would only sow seeds of unrest within the society.

The impetus for revising the Family Code came in September 2023 when His Majesty King Mohammed VI entrusted the government with the task, marking the first comprehensive review since its last update in 2004.

Among the reforms demanded by Moroccan NGOs and activists are the abolition of polygamy and underage marriage, alongside the pursuit of equal inheritance rights regardless of gender.

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