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Unlocking Africa's demographic potential: An expert's perspective
Arkebe Oqubay, a renowned architect, urban planner, and former Senior Minister and Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, recently shared his insights on the opportunities and challenges facing the African continent.
According to Oqubay, Africa is a demographic powerhouse, with rapid population growth and urbanization creating both opportunities and challenges. Over the past 50 years, the continent has averaged a 3.5% growth rate, outpacing the global average of 3.1%. However, to achieve growth on par with East Asia or China, Oqubay emphasized that Africa needs to sustain an 8-9% growth rate for 30-40 years.
One of the key challenges, as Oqubay pointed out, has been the lack of economic diversification. Africa's economies have traditionally relied on primary industries, such as agriculture and natural resource extraction, limiting their ability to drive more sustained and inclusive growth. Oqubay stressed the importance of embracing new technologies and capabilities to diversify the economy and boost productivity.
Sustainability is also a pressing concern, according to Oqubay. While Africa contributes minimally to global greenhouse gas emissions, with an average per capita of just 1 ton compared to 16 tons in the United States, it remains one of the most vulnerable regions to the impacts of climate change. Oqubay emphasized the need to accelerate the transition to carbon neutrality, as it can not only help mitigate environmental risks but also unlock new economic opportunities in renewable energy and green industries.
In Oqubay's view, the path forward requires a holistic approach that combines economic transformation and carbon neutrality. By leveraging its demographic dividend and embracing technological innovation, Africa can unlock its vast potential and chart a sustainable course for inclusive and resilient growth.
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