Daily Press Review - Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Daily Press Review - Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Wednesday 05 June 2024 - 09:00

Accelerated Repayment of Reconstruction Aid and Significant Progress in Al-Haouz Earthquake Works

The 10th meeting of the Interministerial Commission dedicated to the reconstruction program in areas affected by the Al-Haouz earthquake, held on Tuesday in Rabat under the chairmanship of the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, provided a platform to assess progress positively and announce significant advancements in the reconstruction process.

Mr. Akhannouch reiterated the government's commitment to continuing mobilization and working swiftly and rigorously, in line with royal directives, to meet the urgent needs of affected populations. He also emphasized adherence to architectural and urban standards, the use of quality construction materials, and the expedited upgrade of essential services, particularly schools and healthcare facilities.

On the financial front, the Commission commended the accelerated pace of aid disbursement to affected families. By the end of May 2024, 56,607 families had already received the first installment of 20,000 dirhams for reconstructing their homes, either partially or completely collapsed, totaling 1.1 billion dirhams with a 95% completion rate.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


Moroccan Economy Rebounds with 3.4% Growth in 2023

The Moroccan economy exhibited an encouraging performance in 2023, registering a growth rate of 3.4%, according to final figures released by the High Commission for Planning (HCP). This significant rebound from the previous year's 1.5% growth is attributed to a partial recovery in agricultural production, services, and net exports, coupled with robust domestic demand.

Sector-wise analysis reveals a mixed picture. Non-agricultural activities grew by 3.5%, while the agricultural sector saw an uptick of 1.4%, following a sharp decline in 2022. This improvement is attributed notably to the strong performance of manufacturing (+2.7%), electricity, gas, water, and sanitation (+0.7%), as well as transportation and storage (+5.9%).

However, the services sector experienced a slowdown in its growth momentum, decreasing from 6.8% in 2022 to 4.4% in 2023. This deceleration is primarily due to the moderate performance of accommodation and food services, research and development, business services, financial and insurance services, information and communication, and education, health, and social services.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


Enhancing Maritime Governance: Expansion of the National Coordination Committee

The National Coordination Committee for Hydrography, Oceanography, and Marine Cartography is acquiring a new strategic dimension. Following the adoption of Decree 2.24.152 during the latest Council of Ministers meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad is now part of this key body.

This decision aligns with strengthening Morocco's maritime governance, positioning the country as a gateway between Europe and Africa. As noted by Dr. Hassan Khattabi from Hassan I University, an expert in international relations, this Royal initiative "illustrates Morocco's geostrategic position as a gateway to Africa, attracting the attention of global economic powers."

Established in 2014, the National Coordination Committee plays a crucial role in maritime transport security, rescue operations, and maritime border demarcation. Its mission also includes defining national policies regarding hydrography, oceanography, and marine cartography, approving development programs in these areas, and compiling an annual report with recommendations.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara



Baccalauréat 2024: 439,000 Candidates, 3% Increase, and Strict Measures Against Cheating

The countdown has begun for the 439,000 candidates taking the baccalaureate exams in Morocco, marking a 3% increase compared to last year. Under the leadership of Chakib Benmoussa, the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, and Youth has implemented a range of organizational and logistical measures to ensure the smooth conduct of exams commencing on June 19.

Practically, 1,833 examination centers, equipped with 28,000 rooms, have been made available to candidates across the kingdom. A total of 40,000 examiners have been mobilized to oversee the correction process. Among the candidates, 373,087 are enrolled in schools, with 87% in the public sector. Girls represent 54% of the candidates.

In terms of distribution by field of study, 73% of candidates have chosen scientific and technical branches, while 26% have opted for literary branches. In total, 55% of candidates are enrolled in international streams.

Combatting cheating is a priority for the ministry. Awareness campaigns have been conducted among candidates and parents. Strict surveillance measures will be implemented in examination centers, including the presence of law enforcement.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco


Airbus Atlantic Maroc Composites: A Leading Light in Moroccan Aeronautics

Airbus opened the doors of its subsidiary, Airbus Atlantic Maroc Composites, to journalists, unveiling an ultramodern production site dedicated to composite parts for the A320, A330, and cabin families. With 500 employees and significant production capacity, this factory embodies Airbus's commitment to Morocco as a strategic partner in the aerospace sector.

Located in the Midparc zone, Airbus Atlantic Maroc Composites covers an area of ​​30,000 m², including 17,000 m² dedicated to production workshops. Every week, 2,500 parts are manufactured here, making a significant contribution to the A320, A330, and A350 programs.

Present in Morocco since 1951, Airbus has developed a strong base of efficient suppliers, supported by a subcontracting policy focused on risk-sharing partnerships. According to Housni Faek, General Manager of Airbus Atlantic Maroc Composites, "Morocco is one of Airbus's major partners in Africa," a status reinforced by decades of successful collaboration.

In 2014, Airbus Atlantic decided to expand its activities in Morocco with the creation of a new 15,000 m² factory within the Midparc zone. Today, with two factories (Airbus Atlantic Maroc and Airbus Atlantic Maroc Composites) and 1,000 employees, the subsidiary plays a key role in Airbus's global industrial network.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco


Aquaculture: ANDA and Partners Mobilize 480 Million MAD for Sector Development

The National Agency for the Development of Aquaculture (ANDA) and its financial partners have combined efforts to introduce three financing programs dedicated to aquaculture projects in Morocco. With a total budget of 480 million MAD, these programs aim to support sectoral growth and contribute to the socio-economic development of coastal communities.

With over 300 authorized projects and nearly 200 operational or under-construction installations, aquaculture is experiencing remarkable growth in Morocco. The area dedicated to this activity already covers nearly 24,000 hectares, indicating significant development potential.

To support this momentum, access to financing remains a crucial issue. Therefore, ANDA, in collaboration with its partners, has established specific financing programs to meet the needs of sector investors.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco


Sustainable Soil Management: Morocco Showcases Expertise at 12th Session of Global Soil Partnership

Morocco advocated for sustainable soil management at the 12th session of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Plenary Assembly held in Rome from May 30 to June 2, 2024.

Mohammed Sadiki, Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, and Water and Forests, highlighted Morocco's achievements in evidence-based fertilization and soil fertility mapping. The country has launched a conservation agriculture program on one million hectares aimed at sustainable soil management.

Morocco also shares its expertise and best practices with other Southern countries, in line with the Kingdom's foreign policy. This initiative is part of the South-South Cooperation Strategy initiated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Mr. Sadiki also emphasized the importance of combating soil degradation and climate change, two major challenges threatening food security and sustainable development.



Morocco-Spain: Over 80 Business Leaders Gather in Casablanca to Explore Investment Opportunities

Moroccan and Spanish economic actors convened in Casablanca on Tuesday to explore the numerous investment opportunities linking the two countries. Over 80 business leaders participated in this business forum organized by the CGEM (General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises) and Foment del Treball (Catalan Employers' Association), under the theme "Moroccan and Catalan Companies: Seizing New Opportunities Towards a Strong, Innovative, and Sustainable Economic Partnership."

This meeting was marked by the presence of prominent figures, including Abdellatif Maâzouz, President of the Casablanca-Settat Region, H.E. Enriqué Ojelda Vila, Ambassador of Spain to the Kingdom of Morocco, Adil Rais, Co-President of CEMAES (Council of Moroccan Companies in Spain), and Salmane Belayachi, General Manager of the Regional Investment Center of the Casablanca-Settat region.

Discussions focused on the numerous sectors offering promising collaboration potential between Moroccan and Catalan companies. Industry, construction, plastics, renewable energies, water management, agribusiness, and finance were identified as key areas for the development of strong and sustainable partnerships.



Morocco Digital: Slow Start for the 2030 Strategy According to Opposition

The Morocco Digital 2030 Strategy, aiming to propel the Kingdom into a modern digital era, has faced criticism from the Ittihadie opposition. During a session of questions in the House of Representatives, Deputy El Hassan Lachguar denounced an "incomprehensible" delay and a "missed opportunity" for the country's development.

Announced with great fanfare two and a half years ago, the Morocco Digital 2030 strategy has elicited great disappointment within the opposition. Mr. Lachguar pointed to the lack of implementation and tangible results, despite significant resources allocated by the government.

Minister Ghita Mezzour attempted to reassure deputies by announcing the imminent launch of the strategy. She reiterated the two major axes of this plan: accelerating the digitalization of public services and developing a dynamic digital economy.

The Ittihadie opposition remains skeptical of the government's intentions. Mr. Lachguar believes the delay is "unjustifiable" and that the strategy risks being "implemented by the next government," which would undermine its coherence and effectiveness.



Driouch: Rural Youth Equipped to Become Agricultural Entrepreneurs

The Youth Center of Driouch recently hosted a training workshop dedicated to agricultural entrepreneurship, targeting 70 rural youth and master's students in plant biotechnology from the multidisciplinary faculty of Nador.

Led by the Regional Directorate of the National Agricultural Advisory Office (ONCA), the workshop aimed to familiarize participants with the procedures for accessing incentives and financial assistance provided by current legislation. It also aimed to impart innovative entrepreneurial management methods, taking into account a gender approach and the specificities of rural areas, towards inclusive agriculture.

The significant presence of women among the beneficiaries of this workshop (25%) reflects the commitment of local authorities to promote the inclusion of women in the agricultural sector.

The workshop also enabled participants to identify and map project ideas in a rural area often affected by rainfall scarcity. They were also equipped to develop business plans eligible for bank loans and identify sources of financing, assistance, and partnerships.

Source: L'Economiste

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