UAE and Bahrain Reaffirm Support for Moroccan Autonomy Plan

UAE and Bahrain Reaffirm Support for Moroccan Autonomy Plan
Saturday 15 June 2024 - 10:42

In a resolute display of diplomacy, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain reinforced their unwavering support for Morocco’s autonomy initiative as the definitive solution to the ongoing Sahara conflict. This assertion was made during the United Nations C24 session, underscoring the importance of maintaining Morocco’s territorial integrity.

Emirati Endorsement

Addressing the session, Aysha Almenhali, the Emirati representative, lauded the Moroccan autonomy initiative as the sole foundation for a just and enduring political resolution. Almenhali noted that the plan, previously endorsed as “serious and credible” by the UN Security Council, proposes significant self-governance for Sahara while preserving Moroccan sovereignty.

Almenhali reiterated the UAE’s comprehensive support for Morocco’s territorial claims over Sahara. She commended Morocco’s developmental investments in the southern provinces, which Morocco regards as integral to its national territory.

Bahraini Backing

Echoing the UAE’s stance, the Bahraini representative reaffirmed Bahrain’s unwavering support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and security. The diplomat highlighted Bahrain’s endorsement of the autonomy plan and its establishment of a consulate in Laâyoune in December 2020 as evidence of its commitment.

“The Kingdom of Bahrain reiterates its steadfast stance with the Kingdom of Morocco in preserving its security and territorial integrity,” the Bahraini diplomat stated, emphasizing Bahrain’s support for the autonomy initiative and the constructive dialogue efforts led by Staffan de Mistura, the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for the Moroccan Sahara.

UN Efforts and Regional Diplomacy

Both the UAE and Bahrain expressed their support for de Mistura’s endeavors to facilitate much-needed political dialogue aimed at resolving the protracted Sahara dispute. This comes in the wake of de Mistura’s recent regional tour to rejuvenate the stalled political process.

The two nations praised the UN’s focus on confidence-building measures in the quest for a political resolution. They recalled the significance of UN Security Council Resolution 2703, adopted in April 2023, which extended the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Sahara (MINURSO) for an additional year. However, the resolution stopped short of endorsing any specific solution to the conflict.

Historical Context of the UN C24 Session

The UN C24 session refers to the meetings held by the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, commonly known as the Committee of 24. Established in 1961 by the General Assembly, this committee aims to monitor the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, as stipulated in Resolution 1514 (XV) of 1960.

As the international community looks on, the reinforcement of support from the UAE and Bahrain highlights the broader geopolitical significance of the Moroccan autonomy plan. Their unwavering backing underscores a shared vision for a stable and prosperous future for the Sahara region under Moroccan sovereignty.

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