Strengthening Security Cooperation: Morocco and Germany Renew Commitment

Strengthening Security Cooperation: Morocco and Germany Renew Commitment
Wednesday 28 February 2024 - 16:16

Top security officials from Morocco and Germany convened in Rabat yesterday to discuss strategies for enhancing bilateral cooperation in combating transnational threats. According to a statement from Morocco's National Security and Territorial Surveillance directorate (DGSN-DGST), Abdellatif Hammouchi welcomed Holger Munch, head of Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office, for pivotal discussions.

The meeting served as a platform to assess mechanisms for augmenting collaboration between the security agencies of both nations. Both parties underscored the importance of a collaborative approach in tackling contemporary challenges such as organized crime, human trafficking, and terrorism, which transcend borders. Hammouchi and Munch highlighted that effective North-South partnerships are indispensable for preserving public safety in an increasingly interconnected world.

Morocco and Germany share a history of robust security cooperation. During a visit to Rabat last October, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser reiterated her country's commitment to establishing a migration agreement and jointly addressing common threats. Intelligence provided by Moroccan services has proven invaluable in the past, including tipping off German authorities to an alleged terrorist plot, resulting in an arrest.

As one of the European Union's key partners in Africa, Morocco provides significant support to global counterterrorism efforts. Through strategic information sharing, Moroccan authorities consistently assist other nations in apprehending fugitives. Yesterday's meeting reaffirmed Morocco and Germany's resolve to fortify cross-border cooperation for the mutual benefit of citizens on both sides of the Mediterranean. With unwavering collaboration, their security agencies are well-equipped to confront emerging threats wherever they arise.

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