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Saudi Arabia Warns Pilgrims of Sweltering Heat as Heat Exhaustion Cases Surge to 2,700

Tuesday 18 June 2024 - 07:35
Saudi Arabia Warns Pilgrims of Sweltering Heat as Heat Exhaustion Cases Surge to 2,700

Mecca, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabian authorities have issued urgent warnings about an intense heatwave gripping Mecca and its surrounding regions, as temperatures are forecasted to soar to a scorching 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday.

On Sunday alone, the Health Ministry reported over 2,700 cases of heat exhaustion, underscoring the severity of the current weather conditions. This alarming statistic was highlighted in a report from AFP, with officials advising pilgrims to take necessary precautions.

Pilgrims from around the world, who have descended upon Islam’s holiest city for the annual hajj pilgrimage, are facing the brunt of this extreme heat. Despite the oppressive temperatures, they continue to perform essential rituals such as the circumambulation of the Kaaba and the symbolic stoning of the devil in nearby Mina.

“The holy sites today record the highest temperatures since the beginning of hajj,” the Health Ministry announced via the state-affiliated Al-Ekhbariya channel. Authorities have projected temperatures to hit 49 degrees Celsius, urging “the guests of God not to be exposed to the sun.”

The relentless heat has already resulted in tragic consequences. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry disclosed that 14 Jordanian pilgrims succumbed to sunstroke, with an additional 17 individuals reported missing. Similarly, Iran confirmed the deaths of five pilgrims, and Senegal reported three fatalities.

The Health Ministry attributed the 2,764 cases of heat exhaustion on Sunday to prolonged sun exposure and a lack of adherence to health guidelines, which emphasize the importance of seeking shade during the peak heat hours.

“Prevention is paramount,” the ministry stressed. “Pilgrims are advised to avoid going out during peak times unless necessary, or to use umbrellas to reduce the incidence of heat exhaustion.”

As temperatures continue to rise, the ministry has reiterated the critical importance of following health guidelines: carrying umbrellas, staying well-hydrated, and minimizing sun exposure.

This year’s hajj has attracted approximately 1.8 million pilgrims, including 1.6 million from overseas, solidifying its status as one of the world’s largest religious gatherings. The hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, mandates that all Muslims who are physically and financially able must undertake the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime.

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