Morocco's Atlantic Initiative: Reshaping Sahel-Saharan Geopolitics Amid Regional Challenges

Morocco's Atlantic Initiative: Reshaping Sahel-Saharan Geopolitics Amid Regional Challenges
Saturday 12 - 13:00

Morocco has launched an ambitious plan to transform the geopolitical landscape of the Sahel-Saharan region. The Atlantic Initiative, unveiled in November 2023, aims to provide landlocked Sahelian countries with access to the Atlantic Ocean while bolstering Morocco's influence in the area.

The initiative targets nations such as Mali, Chad, Niger, and Burkina Faso - countries grappling with political instability and economic hardships. By offering these states maritime access, Morocco hopes to foster development and address security concerns that have plagued the region.

Abderrafie Zaanoun, a researcher in administrative law and public policy, recently analyzed the potential impact and challenges of this initiative in Carnegie's Sada journal. His report highlights Morocco's aspirations to play a central role in reshaping the Sahel and Sub-Saharan regions' geopolitical dynamics.

The kingdom is employing various soft power strategies to consolidate its influence. These include training programs for security forces, educational projects for imams, and support for religious schools and orders. Additionally, Morocco is prioritizing investments in agriculture, food, and pharmaceutical industries to tackle the root causes of instability in the region.

Economic motivations also underpin the Atlantic Initiative. Morocco views the Sahel as a gateway to broader African markets, with Moroccan exports to Africa having grown significantly over the past two decades. The kingdom is also modernizing its Atlantic ports, notably the Dakhla Atlantic Port, to strengthen cooperation with African countries.

However, the initiative faces several hurdles. The absence of influential countries like Senegal and Mauritania, financial constraints due to vast distances, and security issues stemming from regional instability pose significant challenges. Moreover, fierce competition with Algeria, particularly concerning the transportation of African gas to Europe, adds another layer of complexity to the geopolitical landscape.

Despite these obstacles, Morocco appears well-positioned to secure financial backing from the United States and Europe, both of which are seeking regional partners to strengthen their strategic interests. This context explains Morocco's prominent role in the governance of the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation Support launched by Washington in September 2023.

King Mohammed VI has emphasized the importance of the Atlantic Initiative, envisioning it as a space for human interaction and economic integration with a key role at continental and international levels. Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Bourita has also stressed the need for coordinated efforts from African and global partners to address the region's pressing security situation.

As Morocco continues to push forward with its ambitious plan, the success of the Atlantic Initiative could significantly alter the geopolitical dynamics of the Sahel-Saharan region. However, the road ahead is fraught with challenges that will test Morocco's diplomatic acumen and strategic vision in the coming years.

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