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Morocco Recognized for Collaborative Efforts in Curbing Small Arms Trafficking

Monday 26 August 2024 - 15:30
Morocco Recognized for Collaborative Efforts in Curbing Small Arms Trafficking

The Arab League has commended Morocco for its significant contributions to the fight against small arms and light weapons trafficking. During a recent gathering in Cairo, Morocco was lauded for its pivotal role in fostering cooperation between Arab League member states and the European Union (EU) to address this critical issue.

Morocco's commitment to the cause was evident in its hosting of the second phase of a cooperative project aimed at combating the illicit proliferation of small arms. This phase included a regional workshop in Tangier in 2022 and subsequent national training sessions in Rabat, demonstrating Morocco's proactive approach to addressing regional security concerns.

The recognition extended beyond Morocco, with Jordan and the United Arab Emirates also receiving accolades for their contributions. This acknowledgment came during the closing meeting of the second phase of the Arab-EU cooperation project, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling transnational security challenges.

The two-day meeting, organized by the Arab League's Armament and Disarmament Control Directorate in partnership with the EU, Interpol, and the World Customs Organization, focused on strengthening regional and international coordination to combat illicit arms trafficking. Participants evaluated the progress made during the second phase of the project and explored future collaborative opportunities between the Arab League and the EU.

Launched in 2019, the EU-LAS project aims to enhance the capacity of League of Arab States (LAS) member countries to effectively combat the illicit trade and proliferation of small arms and light weapons. This initiative addresses specific needs and priorities identified through the EU-LAS Strategic Dialogue on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Small Arms and Light Weapons, and Arms Control.

The project, funded by the EU, brings together expertise from Interpol, the Small Arms Survey, and the World Customs Organization, working in close collaboration with the LAS Department of Arms Control and Disarmament. This multi-faceted approach ensures a comprehensive strategy to address the complex challenges posed by small arms trafficking in the region.

Morocco's recognition in this arena highlights its growing role as a regional leader in security cooperation and its commitment to fostering stability in the Arab world. As the project moves forward, Morocco's continued involvement is likely to be crucial in shaping effective strategies to combat the illicit arms trade and enhance regional security.

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