Morocco Reaffirms Stance on Sahara at UN General Assembly

Morocco Reaffirms Stance on Sahara at UN General Assembly
Tuesday 01 - 07:33

In a significant diplomatic move, Morocco has reiterated its position on the Sahara dispute during a meeting with UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. The Moroccan delegation, led by Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Bourita and Ambassador to the UN Omar Hilale, emphasized the country's commitment to finding a realistic and sustainable political solution based on compromise.

The Moroccan representatives underscored four fundamental principles in their approach to resolving the long-standing regional dispute. First and foremost, they expressed strong support for the UN-led political process, viewing it as the primary avenue for achieving a resolution. Additionally, Morocco advocated for the continuation of UN-sponsored roundtable discussions involving all parties, including Algeria, whose role in the conflict has been a point of contention.

A key element of Morocco's position is its promotion of the Autonomy Plan as the sole viable solution to the dispute. This plan has been a cornerstone of Morocco's approach to the Sahara issue for years, gaining increasing international recognition.

The delegation also stressed the importance of maintaining the ceasefire by all parties involved, considering it crucial for the advancement of the political process. This stance aligns with Morocco's consistent calls for stability in the region.

Morocco's position on Sahara has been repeatedly articulated by King Mohammed VI, who has emphasized the country's unwavering stance in the face of what he termed "useless provocations and desperate scenes" by opposing parties.

The meeting also highlighted the ongoing challenges in the political process, particularly the role of Algeria. Despite UN Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2703 passed in October 2023, which identify Algeria as a main party to the dispute, the country continues to position itself as merely an observer. This stance has been a significant obstacle in advancing negotiations, with Morocco consistently urging Algeria to assume its responsibility in the conflict.

As the situation evolves, the international community watches closely. The reaffirmation of Morocco's position at this high-level UN meeting underscores the country's diplomatic efforts to resolve the Sahara dispute through peaceful, UN-led negotiations. The emphasis on a political solution based on compromise reflects Morocco's commitment to regional stability and its willingness to engage in constructive dialogue to end this decades-long conflict.

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