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Morocco Emerges as a Premier Global Destination for 2024 Travel

Thursday 04 January 2024 - 09:45
Morocco Emerges as a Premier Global Destination for 2024 Travel

Despite recent challenges, Morocco's tourism industry continues to captivate travelers and garner global acclaim. Bloomberg has distinguished the North African nation as one of its top 24 destinations for 2024 travel.

In the face of a destructive earthquake, Morocco achieved a remarkable milestone in 2023, hosting approximately 14 million visitors - an increase of one million compared to 2019, as reported by Bloomberg today. The publication attributed this success to the proactive efforts of Morocco's tourism authorities, who encouraged exploration beyond the popular destination of Marrakech.

Bloomberg highlighted enchanting locations across northern Morocco, emphasizing the emergence of stylish boutique hotels that offer a distinct experience away from Tanier's coastal mega-resorts. Notably, Villa Mabrouka, once the secluded retreat of fashion icon Yves Saint Laurent, has transformed into a 12-room hotel. The article also featured recommendations for Rabat and the opulent Marrakech, spotlighting hotels owned by renowned figures such as Robert De Niro.

Morocco's accolades continue to pour in from various travel authorities. Lonely Planet, for instance, has included the nation in its prestigious list of top destinations for 2024, praising activities like camel treks through the Sahara, shopping in Marrakech souks, and exploring the captivating blue city of Chefchaouen. Airbnb, recognizing Marrakech as its sole Arab and African selection among the 2024 hotspots, further contributes to Morocco's growing global appeal. Despite the seismic events in September, CNN still features Morocco among its 24 must-see places for the coming year, attributing the recognition to the "spectacular architecture" and "diverse landscapes."

Highlighting Morocco's resilience and continued popularity, tourism revenues surged to $9.8 billion by November 2022, reflecting a substantial 15.8% increase from the previous year. Official data reveals that Morocco welcomed over 13 million visitors in the same period, underscoring its exceptional ability to bounce back. With its atmospheric cities and breathtaking landscapes, Morocco stands out as a premier global destination for 2024.

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