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Morocco Advances Cannabis Reform with Royal Pardons for Over 4,800

Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 12:30
Morocco Advances Cannabis Reform with Royal Pardons for Over 4,800

In a significant move reflecting Morocco’s shifting cannabis policy, King Mohammed VI has granted pardons to 4,831 individuals involved in cannabis-related offenses, predominantly from the Rif region.

Announced by the Ministry of Justice on the anniversary of the King and People's Revolution, this decision underscores Morocco’s commitment to legal and economic reform.

The pardons focus on those “convicted, prosecuted, or wanted in connection with cannabis cultivation,” with conditions attached requiring beneficiaries to meet specific criteria.

This initiative aligns with Morocco’s broader strategy, following the establishment of the National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis-Related Activities. This agency is responsible for overseeing legal cultivation and the industrial and medical use of cannabis.

The Ministry highlighted the pardon as a key step in integrating traditional cannabis farmers, especially in the Rif, into the formal economy. The Rif region, historically linked to cannabis farming, is crucial to the country’s regulatory and sustainable agriculture efforts.

The National Agency also aims to introduce alternative crops and create new economic opportunities in these regions.

Besides the cannabis-related pardons, King Mohammed VI extended clemency to 685 individuals sentenced by various courts across the Kingdom. This includes 548 detainees, with some receiving full pardons and others having sentences reduced. An additional 137 individuals, not in detention, were pardoned from sentences, fines, or both.

In total, the royal pardon affects 5,516 individuals, marking a significant step towards balancing legal enforcement with social and economic reintegration.

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