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Moroccan Health Ministry Implements Significant Medicine Price Reductions

Tuesday 16 July 2024 - 11:10
Moroccan Health Ministry Implements Significant Medicine Price Reductions

In a decisive move aimed at bolstering public health and economic stability, the Moroccan Ministry of Health and Social Protection has enacted a new decree to reduce the prices of over 100 medications. This policy change, documented as Decree No. 1447.24 and dated May 29, 2024, represents a significant step in the ongoing efforts to alleviate the financial burden on Moroccan citizens by making essential medicines more affordable.

Effective immediately, the decree revises the pricing framework for original, generic, and bioequivalent drugs distributed throughout Morocco. This overhaul follows an extensive review of the existing pricing policies established under Decree No. 2.13.852, which govern both domestically produced and imported medications.

A key aspect of the new regulation is the establishment of selling prices for original drugs and the approval of prices for their generic counterparts. Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, highlighted that the decree is designed to enhance both transparency and affordability within the pharmaceutical sector. "This initiative ensures that vital medications remain accessible to all segments of the population," he stated.

The decree's formulation involved rigorous consultations with a joint committee of ministries tasked with overseeing pricing policies. This collaborative approach underscores the government's commitment to a transparent and inclusive policy-making process.

The timing of this decree is particularly pertinent as Morocco continues to address the healthcare challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has underscored the necessity for robust healthcare infrastructure and accessible medical services. Consequently, this new pricing regulation is part of a broader strategy to strengthen the nation's healthcare system and reduce out-of-pocket expenses for citizens.

Complementing this decree, the 2024 budget bill introduces further measures to support public welfare. The bill proposes a generalized exemption from the Value Added Tax (VAT) on a wide range of essential consumer goods. This exemption will extend to all medicines and their sub-components, as well as single-use packaging, thereby reducing the overall cost of healthcare products.

Moreover, insurance companies are set to benefit from a reduced VAT rate on services provided by brokers and insurance agents, decreasing from 14% to 12% starting January 1, 2024. This tax cut is expected to lower operating costs for insurance providers, potentially translating to reduced premiums for policyholders.

In summary, the Moroccan Ministry of Health and Social Protection's new decree on medicine pricing marks a pivotal advancement in the nation's healthcare policy. By reducing the cost of essential drugs and implementing supportive fiscal measures, the government affirms its dedication to improving the economic and health outcomes for its citizens.

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