Daily Press Review - Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Daily Press Review - Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Wednesday 13 March 2024 - 12:26

Advertising Sector Flourishing: +9% by End of January

The Moroccan advertising sector shows remarkable growth of 9% by the end of January 2024, with a total investment of 582 MDH. This performance is mainly attributed to a significant increase in investments in outdoor advertising (+22.8%), while advertising placements for television and press experienced respective declines of 5.7% and 9.5%.

The telecommunications sector leads in terms of advertising investments, with a volume of 89 MDH, followed by the food (39 MDH), energy, and culture sectors (37 MDH each).

In terms of market share, television sees a significant decline of 4.7%. Meanwhile, outdoor advertising has grown by 3.3% compared to January 2023. The media mix remains almost stable compared to the previous year.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco


Fierce Battle Over Agricultural Exports: Morocco Responds to Spanish Attacks

Moroccan agricultural exports to the European Union have become the center of a fierce battle in recent weeks. A boycott campaign led by Spanish farmers has escalated into acts of violence and sabotage, prompting Morocco to take legal action.

Moroccan trucks transporting agricultural products have been targeted by Spanish farmers, resulting in significant damage and financial losses.

The Moroccan Interprofessional Organization for Citrus (COMADER) has filed complaints against the perpetrators of these violent acts, and Spanish courts have launched an investigation.

Source: L'Opinion


Combatting Violence in Stadiums: Local Commissions for Better Coordination

Morocco has equipped itself with a new tool to combat violence in sports venues. Decree No. 2.23.155, establishing local commissions to combat violence in sports venues, has been published in the Official Bulletin.

This decree is part of the implementation of the provisions of Article 308-19 of Law No. 09.09 amending the Penal Code regarding acts of violence committed during sports events. Its objective is to strengthen coordination among the various actors involved in the fight against violence in stadiums and to improve the effectiveness of actions taken.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


Ramadan Supply, Public Procurement Observatory, and Air Agreements on Agenda for Next Government Council

Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch will preside over a Government Council meeting this Thursday. Ensuring food supply to markets during the month of Ramadan will be at the heart of the discussions.

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, and Water and Forests will present the state of food supply to markets for the holy month. This issue is crucial to ensure the availability of basic products at affordable prices for citizens during this period of high consumption.

The Council will also examine the draft decree establishing the Moroccan Public Procurement Observatory. This observatory will be responsible for collecting and analyzing data related to public procurement, monitoring its implementation, and making recommendations to improve its efficiency and transparency.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


Green Hydrogen: Morocco Launches Offer, Paving the Way for National Ecosystem

Morocco has reached a crucial milestone in the development of its green hydrogen sector with the entry into force of the Circular of the Head of Government concerning the Moroccan Offer. This circular officially initiates the establishment of a comprehensive national ecosystem for this promising technology.

The Moroccan Offer aims to attract domestic and international investments in the field of green hydrogen and to create a complete local value chain. It proposes a set of attractive fiscal and customs incentives for investment projects that align with a logic of local industrial integration.

Source: Aujourd'hui le Maroc


Cybersecurity: Morocco Organizes First CTF Event to Enhance Skills

In response to the increasing cyber threats and the global shortage of cybersecurity professionals, Morocco is committed to enhancing its skills in this crucial domain. The General Directorate of Information Systems Security (DGSSI) has partnered with the SecDojo learning platform to organize the first DGSSI CTF (Capture The Flag) event in 2024.

This event takes place in the context of the global digital revolution, where the protection and security of technological and informational infrastructures become key elements of sovereignty and economic development. Morocco, aware of these challenges, is taking the lead in training a qualified workforce capable of meeting tomorrow's challenges.

Source: Aujourd'hui le Maroc


New York: CSW68 Opens with Morocco's Participation

Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration, and the Family, Aawatif Hayar, represented Morocco at the opening of the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) in New York, the headquarters of the UN. This session, held in a hybrid format, focuses this year on the theme "Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing from a gender perspective."

The CSW, the principal global intergovernmental body dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women, operates under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It was established by ECOSOC resolution 11 on June 21, 1946.



Public Baths: Daily Activity Resumes During Ramadan

Good news for hammam enthusiasts! Public baths will be open every day during the month of Ramadan, unlike the current regulation that mandates closure from Monday to Wednesday.

This measure was verbally communicated to hammam managers by the authorities, pending official confirmation. It aims to meet the increased needs of citizens during the holy month, a period of high attendance for public baths.

The decision is welcomed by hammam owners who had expressed dissatisfaction with partial closures, arguing that they negatively impacted their business without offering a sustainable solution to the water consumption issue.

Source: Al Bayane


European Council of Moroccan Scholars Supports Moroccans in Europe During Ramadan

The sacred month of Ramadan is approaching, and the European Council of Moroccan Scholars (CEOM) is mobilizing to support Moroccans in Europe during this important period.

The CEOM has developed a rich and diverse program to meet the spiritual and religious needs of the Moroccan community settled in Europe. This program includes:

- Conferences and sermons to raise awareness about the true precepts of Islam and enlighten believers on various religious practices related to Ramadan.

- Answers to questions from Moroccans in Europe regarding fasting, prayer, and other aspects of Ramadan.

- Spiritual guidance to help believers experience this sacred month with piety and reflection.

Source: Al Bayane


Strike by Interns and Residents: Healthcare Sector in Crisis Amid Reform

The healthcare sector is facing a new wave of protests. Following medical students, interns, and residents have decided to strike for 24 hours on Wednesday. This protest aims to denounce their exclusion from discussions on healthcare system reforms.

The National Commission of Interns and Residents (CNIR), which initiated the strike, denounces the lack of dialogue with the Ministries of Health and Higher Education. Interns and residents feel aggrieved by ongoing reforms, including Law 8.22 establishing territorial healthcare groups and the reform of the medical education third cycle.

Source: L'Opinion

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