Daily Press Review - Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Daily Press Review - Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 15:23

Strengthening Cooperation between DIDH and CDE: Focus on Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence (Al Bayane)

Mr. Abdelkarim Boujradi, Secretary-General of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights (DIDH), conducted a working visit to the Council of Europe (CoE) from April 15 to 16, 2024. The aim was to bolster cooperation between the two institutions in human rights, particularly in combating discrimination, promoting human rights education, and addressing artificial intelligence (AI) issues.

During his meeting with CoE Secretary-General, Ms. Marija Pejinović Burić, Mr. Boujradi commended Morocco's significant advancements in human rights, emphasizing the Kingdom's commitment to equality and the promotion of a human rights culture. Ms. Pejinović Burić reiterated the importance of the partnership between Morocco and the CoE, highlighting the Kingdom's active contribution to the Council's work.

Discussions also focused on enhancing Morocco's adherence to CoE instruments, notably the European Convention on Human Rights. Mr. Boujradi reaffirmed Morocco's commitment to upholding universal human rights principles and continuing efforts to promote and protect them.

Rise in Prices of Red Meat: Government Listening to Professionals (Al Bayane)

In response to the surge in red meat prices and the approaching Eid Al-Adha, Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, and Water and Forests, Mr. Mohamed Sadiki, met with industry professionals on Monday to seek collaborative solutions.

This meeting assessed the state of the industry, grappling with numerous challenges including drought, inflation, and disruptions stemming from the Covid-19 crisis. These factors have strained production equilibrium and contributed to the observed price hikes in the market.

Mr. Sadiki underscored the importance of close collaboration with professionals to ensure the national market's supply of red meat at reasonable prices. Discussions centered on measures to stabilize the market and meet consumer needs, particularly in anticipation of Eid Al-Adha.

Quality of Life and Happiness: Morocco Lagging Behind, Finland at the Seventh Heaven (Al Bayane)

According to a recent ranking by CEOWORLD Magazine, Morocco ranks a less-than-desirable 130th in terms of quality of life, trailing behind Nordic countries and even some Arab nations. This ranking, based on the perceptions of over 258,000 individuals worldwide, considers ten parameters ranging from security to transparency to equality.

Unsurprisingly, this ranking aligns closely with the United Nations' "World Happiness Report," which places Morocco at 100th out of 137 countries in terms of happiness. Finland, on the other hand, secures the top spot for the seventh consecutive time in this ranking, attributed to a strong sense of community trust.

The top-ranking Arab country in the CEOWORLD Magazine ranking, Qatar, stands at 8th place, while the United Arab Emirates settles for 26th place. Morocco, however, lags behind, closely followed by Palestine (99th) and Mauritania (103rd).

The situation isn't much brighter in education. Among the top 500 universities globally, no "Global South" country makes it into the top 100. China leads emerging countries with its best university ranked 29th, while the top German university stands at 47th. France, bolstered by ENA, secures 52nd place.

Marrakech Hosts the 9th Edition of the International Architecture Forum (Aujourd'hui le Maroc)

The 9th edition of the International Architecture Forum kicked off Tuesday in the ochre city as part of the celebrations for "Marrakech, World Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for the year 2024." Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, this event is organized by the National School of Architecture of Marrakech (ENAM), in collaboration with other stakeholders in the sector.

This forum aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge on scientific and cultural themes specific to the ancient Medina of Marrakech, an architectural gem listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Over three days, participants including architects, urban planners, researchers, and students from Morocco and other countries will convene to discuss the architecture of Marrakech's Medina, its challenges, and future prospects.

The agenda for this edition includes conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and guided tours of the Medina. The objective is to share knowledge and best practices in conserving and enhancing architectural heritage while reflecting on the challenges of sustainable urban planning and adapting cities to climate change.

Morocco: IMF Forecasts Growth of 3.1% in 2024 and 3.3% in 2025 (Aujourd'hui le Maroc)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its projections for the Moroccan economy on Tuesday, anticipating growth of 3.1% in 2024 and 3.3% in 2025. These forecasts, slightly revised upwards from previous projections, reflect a resilient economic performance despite persistent global challenges.

According to the IMF, Morocco's growth will be supported by a gradual recovery in domestic demand, notably aided by improved health conditions and the implementation of structural reforms. The international institution also expects a positive contribution from the agricultural sector, benefiting from favorable weather conditions.

The IMF forecasts inflation in Morocco to stand at 2.2% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025. This relatively controlled inflation is attributed to the prudent monetary policy of the Central Bank of Morocco and the decline in commodity prices in international markets.

Unemployment is projected to reach 12% in 2024 before slightly decreasing to 11.5% in 2025. The IMF underscores the need to continue efforts to create jobs, particularly for youth and women, to reduce structural unemployment and promote inclusive growth.

Postponement of Parliamentary Session on Mid-Term Review (Aujourd'hui le Maroc)

The joint session of Parliament scheduled for this Wednesday for the mid-term review presentation by Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch has been postponed to a later date.

This postponement is due to the incomplete process of renewing the bodies of the House of Representatives. Several parliamentary committees have yet to elect their presidents, preventing the convening of the joint plenary session.

The new session date will be communicated later by the presidents of both chambers of Parliament.

This plenary session was eagerly anticipated by parliamentarians and the general public alike, aiming to learn about the government's achievements over the past two years.

Mr. Akhannouch is expected to present a detailed assessment of government action in all areas, including the economy, finance, infrastructure, health, education, and justice.

Breakthrough in Radioprotection: ENSAM Meknes and Gamma Rad Tech Unveil Morocco's First Shielded Radiation Enclosure (Le Matin du Sahara)

A significant innovation in radioprotection was unveiled today by the National School of Arts and Crafts of Meknes (ENSAM) and Gamma Rad Tech. This marks the debut of Morocco's first entirely designed and manufactured shielded radiation enclosure.

Resulting from a strategic partnership between the two entities, this enclosure offers optimal protection for medical personnel against radiation emitted from equipment containing radioactive materials. It complies with the strictest safety and environmental standards.

The shielded enclosure features lead shielding that effectively isolates radiation. Air exhausted from the enclosure is purified using HEPA filters before release, ensuring no adverse impact on the environment.

Electrical safety has also been prioritized. The enclosure is equipped with three elevators for the vertical movement of the two generators and a briefcase, with positions rigorously controlled by an advanced automated system.

Operators benefit from a user-friendly interface accessible via two well-placed supervision screens, providing real-time data from various sensors and actuators, including temperature and atmospheric pressure within the enclosure. For enhanced security, access to controls is hierarchical and protected by passwords.

"This project demonstrates ENSAM-Meknes's active involvement in innovation and highlights its desire to contribute to strengthening industrial autonomy in Morocco. It also embodies the aspiration for fruitful collaboration between academia and the private sector, paving the way for further joint initiatives conducive to technological and industrial development," ENSAM stated in its press release.

CMR: "Attakmili" Scheme Records Net Yield of 5.31% in 2023 (Le Matin du Sahara)

The "Attakmili" complementary retirement scheme, managed by the Moroccan Retirement Fund (CMR), closed the 2023 fiscal year with a net yield rate of 5.31%. This performance confirms the scheme's resilience and consistency since its inception in 2006, highlighted CMR in a statement.

Recall that "Attakmili" is an optional scheme open to affiliates of civil and military retirement schemes managed by CMR, including state officials, local government employees, and employees of certain public entities.

This scheme offers several advantages to its members, including straightforward and accessible subscription, flexible contributions, and favorable tax framework.

Social Dialogue: Significant Progress Towards an Agreement Before May 1st (Les Inspirations Eco)

Government, employers, and social partners are mobilizing to reach an agreement before Labor Day, May 1st. It's a race against time to make up for lost time following the cancellation of the autumn session due to the Al Haouz earthquake.

Bilateral meetings between each union and the relevant ministers commenced on Tuesday, April 16. The outcome of these meetings will determine the atmosphere of the upcoming Labor Day.

Despite the tight schedule, there is a certain optimism regarding the possibility of achieving concrete progress on several fronts. Indeed, the second round of meetings between the government and union representatives hinted at a conducive atmosphere for constructive dialogue.

The main objective is to reach a consensus before May 1st. According to Minister Younes Sekkouri, it is crucial to make up for lost time and to materialize the expectations of the various stakeholders.

The coming weeks will be decisive in determining whether an agreement can be reached before the deadline. Attention is focused on the upcoming meetings and the proposals put forward by the various parties.

Discussions revolve around major issues such as improving purchasing power, social protection, job creation, and pension system reform. These are crucial questions for the country's future and the well-being of its citizens.

Compensation: Historic 77.7% Decrease in Expenditure by End of March 2024 (Liberation)

Expenditures related to compensation in Morocco witnessed a remarkable 77.7% decrease by the end of March 2024, amounting to one billion dirhams (DH), according to figures from the General Treasury of the Kingdom (TGR). This historic decline is compared to the same period last year.

This positive trend is also confirmed by the low expenditure realization rate, which stands at only 6% of the forecasts set in the 2024 Finance Law.

Examining the different expenditure categories, operating expenses totaled 68.3 billion DH, with 38.5 billion DH allocated to salaries and wages, representing a 0.9% increase compared to last year.

As for equipment expenses, they reached 21.8 billion DH, recording a 12.3% increase. However, common expenses saw a significant decrease of 57.3%, amounting to 4.92 billion DH.

National Employment Survey: HCP Launches Ambitious Overhaul for 2026 (Liberation)

The High Commission for Planning (HCP) is undertaking a major overhaul of its National Employment Survey, a crucial pillar for collecting data on the Moroccan labor market. This initiative aims to modernize analysis tools and respond to the profound changes occurring in the sector, aligning with international standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Faced with major transformations in the labor market, particularly driven by the digital revolution and the socio-economic dynamics of Morocco, HCP emphasizes the need to adapt its measurement and monitoring tools. This overhaul will better address the new realities of work, including emerging forms of employment and their impact on the sector's future.

Forja: SNRT Launches 100% Moroccan VOD Platform (Liberation)

The National Broadcasting and Television Corporation (SNRT) has reached a significant milestone by launching its digital platform Forja, dedicated to promoting Moroccan audiovisual content. This initiative aims to provide users with unlimited access to a rich catalog of series, films, plays, and documentaries produced by national channels Al Aoula and 2M.

Forja serves as a treasure trove for enthusiasts of Moroccan productions, allowing them to revisit classics and discover new gems. The platform offers an immersive viewing experience accessible from all digital devices, providing users with complete freedom in choosing when and where to watch.

Beyond its entertaining purpose, Forja is part of an ambitious approach to preserve Morocco's cultural heritage. By digitizing over 3,000 hours of audiovisual content, SNRT contributes to safeguarding and enhancing the country's artistic richness. This initiative also makes often overlooked works accessible to a wide audience, thereby facilitating their dissemination and recognition.

To meet the expectations of all audiences, Forja offers a hybrid model combining free access and subscription. Series aired by national channels will initially be accessible for free, while a monthly (14 dirhams) or semi-annual (56 dirhams) subscription will provide access to exclusive content and advanced features.

Moroccan Cities Facing Climate Change: Study Day in Agadir (L'Opinion)

The National School of Architecture in Agadir is organizing a study day on Wednesday under the theme: "Moroccan Cities Facing Climate Change." This scientific gathering, initiated in partnership with the Moroccan Center for Studies and Policy Analysis, aims to discuss the challenges posed by climate change and propose innovative solutions to ensure adaptation to this phenomenon.

The organization of this study day provides an opportunity to bring together key stakeholders in the fields of architecture and urbanism to share the latest scientific advances, best practices, and innovative initiatives aimed at making cities more resilient, sustainable, and adapted to climate challenges.

Climate change poses a major threat to Moroccan cities, which are already facing water stress, heatwaves, and flood risks. These phenomena have a direct impact on the health and well-being of urban populations, as well as on infrastructure and local economies.

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