Daily Press Review - Monday, March 25, 2024

Daily Press Review - Monday, March 25, 2024
Monday 25 March 2024 - 13:00

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Morocco Seeking Balance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the legal landscape, including in Morocco. As the country asserts itself as a regional leader in utilizing this technology, the issue of intellectual property becomes crucial.

This poses one of the central questions: under Moroccan law, intellectual property is typically attributed to the author of a creation. But what happens when the author is a machine?

Some countries recognize AI as a separate legal entity capable of owning its creations. Others adopt a more nuanced approach, depending on the degree of human intervention in the creative process.

Morocco has yet to decide on this matter. Deliberations are underway to strike a balance between innovation and the protection of creators' rights.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco

Investment Facility for Employment: New Grants for Job-Creating Projects in Morocco

The Investment Facility for Employment (IFE), an initiative by the German Development Bank (KfW), is issuing a new call for project proposals in Morocco. This call aims to support projects with the potential to create sustainable jobs and provide access to social security systems.

The call is open to private companies, public entities, and non-profit organizations. Projects can span all economic sectors and must be mature and not yet launched.

The IFE provides co-financing grants ranging from 650,000 euros to 6 million euros per project. The grant amount is increased if the project contributes to promoting women's employment or fostering a transition to a climate-respectful economy.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara

Noor III Solar Power Plant: Forced Shutdown until November Due to Leak

The Noor III solar power plant in Ouarzazate has been forced to shut down until November 2024 following a leak in the molten salt reservoir, Acwa Power announced in a statement released on March 24.

The fault was detected on March 19, leading to an immediate halt in plant operations. The company estimates production losses due to this shutdown to be around 47 million dollars.

Noor III is the second solar power tower plant with molten salt energy storage in Morocco. It was constructed by a consortium led by Acwa Power and commenced operations in 2018.

Molten salt storage technology allows the solar energy collected during the day to be stored and released at night or during high demand periods. This enables the plant to provide stable and reliable power supply even in the absence of sunlight.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara

 Rising Trend Towards Clean Label and Organic Products in Morocco

Moroccan consumers are increasingly paying attention to the composition of the food products they purchase, favoring natural and healthy foods.

The term "clean label" refers to products whose labels mention the absence of certain controversial ingredients, such as added sugars, preservatives, artificial flavors, lactose, or gluten. This trend, observed in Moroccan supermarket aisles, reflects a growing consumer desire for healthy eating.

In Morocco, the organic label is gaining momentum with the enforcement of Law No. 39-12. The Kingdom has established a solid legal and regulatory framework for organic production, becoming the second country in Africa to adopt specific legislation for this sector.

Among Moroccan organic labels, BioMaroc stands out as a benchmark certification. Products seeking to display this label must undergo control and certification by an accredited body, ensuring consumers of their organic authenticity.

Source: Al Bayane

Jouahri: "Moroccan Economic Fabric Not Yet Ready for New Phase of Dirham Flexibility"

The Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), Abdellatif Jouahri, stated on Tuesday in Rabat that the national economic fabric is not yet ready for the transition to the new phase of the flexible exchange rate regime reform.

Mr. Jouahri remarked during a press briefing following the first BAM Council meeting for the year 2024: "Even if the International Monetary Fund insists, I will only recommend transitioning to the new phase of the flexible exchange rate regime when I am convinced that the Moroccan economic fabric is ready."

Source: Al Bayane

1.5 Million Cubic Meters of Water Lost Daily in Morocco Due to Evaporation: an Urgent Challenge to Address

Morocco loses one and a half million cubic meters of water per day due to evaporation in its dams, exacerbated by rising temperatures. This alarming situation adds to the effects of persistent drought, which severely strains the country's water reserves.

Hamou Bensaadout, Director General of Hydraulics at the Ministry of Equipment and Water, sounded the alarm. He emphasized that Morocco is experiencing the sixth consecutive year of drought, the most severe ever recorded. The filling rate of dams does not exceed 26.6%, compared to 34% at the same time last year.

In response to this critical situation, Morocco is engaging on multiple fronts. On one hand, the country is strengthening coordination between water management institutions and moving towards better governance of the sector. On the other hand, citizen awareness becomes an essential pillar to encourage behavioral change towards water and promote its conservation.

Source: Aujourd'hui le Maroc

AMEE Launches Development of Regional Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Plans

The Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) has initiated the development of regional energy efficiency and decarbonization plans for five regions of Morocco: Casablanca-Settat, Marrakech-Safi, Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Dakhla-Oued Eddahab, and Draâ-Tafilalet.

These plans aim to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors of the economy, including transportation, construction, industry, agriculture, and public lighting.

The first step will involve assessing energy consumption at the regional level across various economic sectors. This will help identify primary energy uses, ongoing and planned energy efficiency actions, as well as major energy consumers in the region.

Source: Aujourd'hui le Maroc

EU Reaffirms Positive Impact of Morocco-EU Agricultural Agreement

The European Union has released its annual report for 2023 on the Morocco-EU agricultural agreement, reaffirming its positive socio-economic impact and the full benefits that the population of the southern provinces of Morocco derives from its provisions.

This report follows the decision of the Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU, who denied any representation to the "Polisario" and reaffirmed the relevance of the agricultural agreement between Rabat and Brussels.

The report highlights the quality of the partnership between Morocco and the EU and the satisfactory implementation of the agricultural agreement. It emphasizes the existing dialogue and information exchange tools between the two parties, contributing to its success.

Source: Aujourd'hui le Maroc

Increased Surveillance of Water Resources: Water Police Redouble Efforts

The Draa-Oued Noun Hydraulic Basin Agency is intensifying its efforts to monitor and protect water resources in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region.

Facing concerning water scarcity and consecutive years of drought, the agency has implemented several measures to rationalize water use and preserve this valuable resource.

Enhanced patrols by the water police are a key action of the agency. These patrols aim to control the exploitation of water resources and the use of public water domains, ensuring compliance with Law 15-36 related to water.

The agency operates across a vast territory, covering the four provinces of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, the three provinces of the Draâ-Tafilalet region, and the Tata province in the Souss-Massa region.

Source: Liberation

Revolutionary Industrial Zone Inaugurated for Car Batteries in Morocco

Morocco has unveiled the establishment of a groundbreaking industrial zone dedicated to the electric battery industry and other key sectors, with a colossal investment of 24 billion dirhams.

Named the "Al Jorf Acceleration Industrial Zone," this zone will cover an area of 283 hectares and aims to create a dynamic and innovative industrial ecosystem.

Three initial investments have already been confirmed, totaling 24 billion dirhams and creating 4,000 jobs.

Strategically located near the OCP industrial complex and other major developments in the chemical and semi-chemical sectors, the Al Jorf zone offers an ideal location for businesses in the sector.

The first project currently underway is a partnership between the Chinese battery component manufacturer CNGR and the African Investment Fund Al Mada.

Source: L'Opinion

Organization of the 2030 World Cup Promises Economic Boom for Morocco

Morocco is preparing to host a major event: the 2030 FIFA World Cup. This significant sporting event promises significant economic benefits for the country, with estimates reaching $1.2 billion according to a report by Valoris Securities.

The economic impact of the World Cup will be felt on several fronts. Firstly, tourism is expected to experience exponential growth. With Morocco hosting a third of the 104 planned matches, millions of supporters from around the world are expected to visit. This influx will generate significant revenue for hotels, restaurants, transportation, and other tourism-related services.

Additionally, hosting the World Cup will stimulate investments. Local and international companies will seize this opportunity to invest in various sectors, including infrastructure, tourism, industry, healthcare, and water. The Moroccan government has implemented financial incentives to encourage investment, with deductions of up to 30% of the total investment.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco

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