Challenges Persist as Talks Between Unions and Budget Minister Fail to Reach Agreement

Challenges Persist as Talks Between Unions and Budget Minister Fail to Reach Agreement
Saturday 09 December 2023 - 08:52

In a meeting that extended for more than seven hours between the most representative unions and the Minister of Budget, Fouzi Lekjaâ, no agreement was reached. The heated session, marked by difficult exchanges, concluded without consensus due to persistent differences regarding the proposed salary increase. According to a well-informed union source, both parties have scheduled another round of dialogue for this Sunday in the hopes of reaching a compromise on the contentious issues.

The highly anticipated meeting between the most representative unions and the Budget Minister, Fouzi Lekjaâ, failed to yield any tangible agreement. The session, which lasted from Friday morning until 5:30 pm, ended without a compromise due to ongoing disagreements over the amount of the planned salary increase. An anonymous union source revealed that the meeting was marked by heated discussions, particularly concerning salary increases and certain demands related to specific wage categories.

The same source disclosed that meetings are planned for this Saturday and Sunday to continue discussions on the points of contention, with the hope of reaching an agreement by Sunday.

It's worth noting that this meeting represents the fourth gathering held just this week with the aim of reaching an agreement and defusing the crisis that has persisted in the sector for seven consecutive weeks. While the National Coordination of the Education Sector has not yet revealed its position on these meetings, the National Coordination of Secondary and Vocational Secondary School Teachers has already announced its intention to continue the national strike after the end of the school holidays on December 13, 14, 15, and 16. This move risks provoking the anger of students and their parents, caught in a deadlock that has gone on for too long.

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