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Celebrating Justice and Mercy: King Mohammed VI Pardons 708 Inmates on Youth Day

Wednesday 21 August 2024 - 07:33
Celebrating Justice and Mercy: King Mohammed VI Pardons 708 Inmates on Youth Day

In a heartwarming display of compassion, King Mohammed VI has granted a royal pardon to 708 inmates across Morocco, coinciding with the nation's observance of Youth Day. This act of clemency follows the King's previous clemency for over 5,000 inmates, including around 4,800 individuals involved in cannabis-related cases, just a day before the anniversary of the King and People's Revolution.

The royal pardon, announced by the Ministry of Justice, encompasses a diverse range of beneficiaries. Among those currently in detention, 28 individuals will have their remaining prison sentences reduced, while 442 detainees will have their entire sentences lifted. Additionally, 4 individuals will see their life sentences commuted to fixed-term sentences.

For those already at liberty, the royal clemency impacts 234 people. 31 individuals will have their prison sentences or the remainder of their sentences reduced, and 11 inmates will have their prison sentences reduced but will still be required to pay fines. Furthermore, 183 individuals will see their fines waived, and 9 people will benefit from both reductions in prison sentences and waivers of fines.

The Ministry of Justice expressed deep gratitude to the King, hailing him as a beacon of clemency and mercy. This latest pardon comes on the heels of a similar gesture made just a day prior, when the King pardoned over 5,000 inmates to mark the anniversary of the King and People's Revolution.

Notably, among those pardoned were approximately 4,800 individuals involved in cannabis-related cases. This move aligns with Morocco's recent establishment of the National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis-Related Activities, which oversees the legal cultivation and export of cannabis for medical, pharmaceutical, and industrial purposes.

"The King's pardon is a crucial step towards integrating traditional cannabis farmers, especially in the Rif region, into the formal economy," stated the Ministry of Justice.

This remarkable display of compassion and reform underscores the Moroccan government's commitment to fostering a more just and inclusive society, where individuals are given a chance to reintegrate and contribute to the nation's progress.

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