Investment Minister Jazouli Aims to Propel Economic Growth in Morocco's Oriental Region

Investment Minister Jazouli Aims to Propel Economic Growth in Morocco's Oriental Region
Monday 22 January 2024 - 11:36

Morocco's Minister Delegate for Investment, Mohcine Jazouli, initiated a comprehensive tour of the country's Oriental region this week, aligning with the government's strategic efforts to stimulate private investment and foster job creation nationwide.

The primary objective of this visit is to actively engage with regional stakeholders, collectively pursuing the ambitious investment and employment targets outlined by King Mohammed VI – a goal of 550 billion Moroccan dirhams ($57 billion) in private investment and the generation of 500,000 new jobs by 2026.

Minister Jazouli articulated the mission succinctly, stating, "The objective is to double the volume of private investment in the region and create 50,000 jobs across all provinces of the Oriental."

The Oriental region has experienced robust growth since the inception of the Royal Initiative for the Development of the Region by King Mohammed VI in 2003. Significant enhancements to infrastructure have rendered the area highly appealing to potential investors.

Key, ongoing projects such as the Guercif-Nador highway, the Nador West Med industrial zone and port, and the Nador desalination plant are poised to elevate the Oriental into a pivotal economic and industrial center within the kingdom.

During his time in Oujda, Minister Jazouli is scheduled to conduct work meetings with top regional officials, including the Wali of the Oriental Region, Mouad Jamai. Additionally, he will visit the Regional Investment Center and tour project sites to evaluate progress, ensuring that new job opportunities are manifesting on the ground.

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