Satellite Imagery Unveils the Severe Effects of Drought on Morocco's Landscapes and Livelihoods

Satellite Imagery Unveils the Severe Effects of Drought on Morocco's Landscapes and Livelihoods
Friday 23 February 2024 - 16:09

NASA satellite imagery has provided a poignant portrayal of the drought crisis gripping Morocco. Images captured in February of both 2023 and 2024 by MODIS sensors aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites depict a striking metamorphosis of landscapes surrounding Casablanca, transitioning from verdant greenery to desiccated brown expanses.

Formerly thriving reservoirs and crops have now given way to barren basins and desolate wheat fields, painting a grim picture of the situation. Moroccan officials have labeled the scenario as "disastrous," citing a drastic 70% decline in rainfall compared to historical averages in recent months.

Analysis conducted by the Global Drought Observatory corroborates the severity of the situation, identifying this as not merely a transient dry spell but rather an enduring drought compounded by unprecedented heatwaves. The once-potent Al Massira Dam, Morocco's second-largest, now teeters on the brink of depletion, with water levels dwindling to a mere 1-2% of its capacity. Nationally, reservoirs have dwindled to a quarter of their capacity, marking a concerning depletion from already depleted levels recorded last year.

The agricultural sector has borne the brunt of this crisis, with farmers compelled to curtail plantings and ration irrigation due to diminishing reserves. Monitoring data on crop conditions further underscores the gravity of the situation, particularly evident in the deteriorating state of winter wheat across northern regions. A report from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) sounds an alarm, cautioning that six consecutive years of drought have pushed Morocco's reservoirs to "critically" low levels.

As the repercussions ripple through ecosystems and communities, urban centers have implemented stringent conservation measures, including restrictions on activities such as car washing and bathhouse use. Given Morocco's heavy reliance on agriculture, this prolonged drought not only imperils crops but also jeopardizes livelihoods unless precipitation arrives promptly. These compelling aerial images unmask the formidable environmental challenges confronting Morocco as it grapples with the escalating toll of this enduring dry spell.

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