Morocco Advocates for Digital Equity at Global AI Conference, Highlighting Africa's Tech Gap

Morocco Advocates for Digital Equity at Global AI Conference, Highlighting Africa's Tech Gap

Morocco's Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Bourita emphasized the urgent need to address the technological divide affecting developing nations during the inaugural Global Conference on AI and its Role in Implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in Rabat.

The groundbreaking conference, co-chaired by Bourita and Fernando Arias, Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), brought together over 140 participants representing more than 40 States Parties to discuss the intersection of artificial intelligence and chemical weapons prevention.

Bourita outlined four primary objectives for the conference: exploring new dimensions of multilateral disarmament, understanding AI-related challenges, identifying opportunities to strengthen convention provisions, and advancing Sustainable Development Goals through technological capabilities.

The minister highlighted how AI could enhance transparency and trust among States Parties by optimizing reporting and data analysis processes. However, he emphasized that these advancements must be pursued responsibly, with adequate resources allocated to the Scientific Advisory Committee for further research and development.

Particularly noteworthy was Bourita's emphasis on the stark digital divide in Africa. He revealed concerning statistics: 60% of the African population remains without internet access, and less than 2% of data used in AI development originates from the continent. These disparities underscore the need for targeted intervention and support.

Morocco's approach to technological advancement emphasizes responsible and ethical implementation, focusing on:
- Balancing regulation with innovation
- Protecting individual privacy
- Preserving cultural diversity
- Ensuring ethical deployment

The minister concluded with a call for international collaboration to transform AI into an effective tool for global peace and security, while simultaneously addressing the technological inequities facing developing nations.

The conference marks a significant step forward in addressing both the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in the context of international security and development, with a particular focus on ensuring equitable access and responsible implementation across all nations.

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